I spent all day organizing the house this week, as we prepare to sell. I purged papers on the office, folded mounds of laundry, organized toys, and scrubbed sticky who-knows-what off kitchen counters.
At the end of the day, I turned to grab my phone—and couldn’t find it.
I paced the house again and again, practicing breath prayers to keep me calm as I searched every surface. Bed stands? Bathroom counters? Laundry room? Nope.
My heart thumped faster.
Like a carpenter’s belt or a pilot’s navigation system—my phone is my toolbox. I use it to keep schedules and lists, connect with loved ones and clients, and track ideas. I need my phone.
I walked through the evening routine with the family, sang the bedtime songs—then looked again.
I opened drawers, stuck my head inside the clothes washer, shoved my hands in coat pockets—and then I tore through the couch.
As I pulled off the cushions in ransacking desperation the Spirit of God brought to mind Colossians 3:1. “Seek the things that are above. . . set your minds on things that are above.”
Do I seek the Lord as fervently as I seek my phone? Do I set my mind on him as fiercely as I set my mind on finding my device?
Not usually.
In the parable of the lost coin (Luke 15:8–10), Jesus tells of a woman who carefully sweeps her house in search of one coin she misplaced. She finds it, gathers her friends and neighbors, and rejoices over her found coin. Jesus said, “In the same way, I tell you there is rejoicing in the presence of the angels of God over one sinner who repents.”
Do I dedicate energy to deliberately serving and sharing with lost people as much as I fiercely tear through my couch?
I gave up searching and headed to bed, but I couldn’t sleep. Where was my phone?!
I suddenly realized my phone must have dropped somewhere. So, I quietly rolled out of bed, walked downstairs, and started the floor search in my office. Is it behind the chair? No. Under my desk? YES!
Finally, I could go to sleep.

Desires of Our Hearts
In the last few days since my desperate search, God continues to challenge me about my inner gaze, my inner hunger and focus.
What am I really desiring as much as I desired to find my phone? Is it Him? Or what idols have I given the affection of my soul?
Longing and desires—even if for good and holy things, can become idols when we set your hearts on them more than on the Lord Himself.
What are you dwelling on these days?
On this Well Soul journey, what we set our hearts on, becomes what we set our minds on, what we think about, dedicate ourselves to. This focus forms our whole lives, including our spiritual lives.

Take a Moment of Prayerful Awareness
- Quiet your mind before God. Invite His Holy Spirit.
- If anything hinders you from His presence, confess whatever you need and ask forgiveness.
- Set aside all other thoughts.
- Ask the Holy Spirit to bring to mind what you have been focusing your heart on recently.
- What comes into view?
- Write it down. Also write down Scripture that might come to mind as well.
- Continue to sit in silence until everything is clear and all the thoughts cease. Stay there as long as you can, simply enjoying God’s presence.
- When your time is coming to a close, pray about what you wrote down.
- Reflect on your notes. Any priorities need reordered? Any anxiety thoughts you need to pray about? What else might you need to do in light of the meditations of your heart?
Colossians 3:1–4 (NIV)
Since, then, you have been raised with Christ, set your hearts on things above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God. 2 Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things. 3 For you died, and your life is now hidden with Christ in God. 4 When Christ, who is your life, appears, then you also will appear with him in glory.
What did you notice from the passage?
What is one practical idea you have to help you set your mind on things above throughout your day?
Pray about your reflection time. Were you reminded of a truth? Prodded to do something? Do you need God to help you in some way?
If you would like to read a prayer instead, here is one to follow:
Father, Son, Holy Spirit—one and only true God, I worship You. Lord, thank you for Jesus, seated at the right hand of the Father, full of grace and truth. By Your grace I am seated with Christ, through His blood, and have victory over every evil power. Help me, Spirit of God, to set my mind on Christ, to walk in His power and authority, rather than getting caught up in mental, emotional, and spiritual distractions. In Jesus’ name I pray,